Information for Parents/Carers


Making an Appointment

Parent/Carers should have made a prior appointment if they wish to meet with College Staff.

Illness and Accidents

If a student feels unwell or has an accident they must tell a teacher straight away.  Normally students will be sent to their Form Tutor or Pastoral Leader for permission to visit the College Nurse. If a student is too ill to remain at College or if hospital treatment is necessary then parents will be contacted to make suitable arrangements. If parent/carer wants to contact the College this is done through the College Office. 

Under no circumstances should a student leave the College or go home without permission from Form Tutor and Pastoral Leader.


If a student needs to take medicine at College they should bring a letter to the College nurse from their parents stating when they need to take it.  All medicine must be left with the College Nurse. The only exception is if you have an inhaler for asthma or epipen.

Please do not ask for aspirin or other tablets at College; we are not allowed to give students any medicines. The College nurse will not treat injuries sustained outside College.

Signing Out

Telephone/Mobile Phones/ipods/MP3 players

Pupil Records

It is vital that we have access to accurate and current information in the case of an emergency. We would ask that parents / guardians remember to inform office staff of any changes in domestic or medical circumstances, address / contact telephone numbers, especially new mobile numbers and email addresses.