The REACH Awards Programme has been designed to recognise and reward students who continually demonstrate the core values of our college: ‘REACH’.
The overall aims of the programme are:
• To encourage students to be thoughtful and considerate of others
• To recognise the achievements of our students in every part of College life and at every level.
• To promote an enjoyment of College through an atmosphere of respect and enjoyment in education.
Students work diligently to receive positive passport marks each day. Within the programme there are three levels of attainment badges, bronze, silver and gold, which are worn with pride. The REACH badges are presented in special assemblies and students who continuously
display the core values are further rewarded with various day trips. Reward trips/events in the past have included bubble football and visits to the National Football Stadium at Windsor Park.
We recognise the academic and personal achievements of our students at our annual prize giving, ‘Celebrating Success’. Many students receive prizes for their outstanding achievements at the end of Key Stages 3, 4 & 5. Each year the Board of Governors present The REACH Cup to the student who has gained the most reward points through the REACH Awards Programme.